Top 5 recent Russian corruption scandals

Top 5 recent Russian corruption scandals

18 Дек, 2017 в 15:08

The Russian Prosecutor General has estimated the overall economic cost of corruption at more than $2.5 billion in the past two years. Here are some of the most high-profile cases involving top federal and regional officials.

Войны в 2018 году

Войны в 2018 году

18 Дек, 2017 в 04:08

Теперь, когда 2017 год подходит к концу, кровавые конфликты продолжают бушевать в самых разных уголках мира, а на горизонте появляются […]

«Юнармия» встречает сирийских героев

«Юнармия» встречает сирийских героев

15 Дек, 2017 в 15:24

Юнармейцы из Московской, Астраханской, Иркутской, Самарской областей, Краснодарского и Хабаровского края, Дагестана встретили российских военных, вернувшихся из Сирии. Представители Всероссийского […]

Russian ex-Economy Minister Ulyukayev found guilty in $2mn bribery case

Russian ex-Economy Minister Ulyukayev found guilty in $2mn bribery case

15 Дек, 2017 в 08:36

Former Russian Economy Minister Aleksey Ulyukayev has been found guilty of taking a $2 million bribe.

‘World-scale event’: delayed Nureyev ballet premières in Moscow

‘World-scale event’: delayed Nureyev ballet premières in Moscow

13 Дек, 2017 в 16:03

A new ballet depicting the life of the Soviet-era dance genius Rudolf Nureyev has opened in Moscow, attracting dozens of VIPs and celebrities, and failing to cause any major scandals, despite controversies surrounding Nureyev and the ballet’s director, Kirill Serebrennikov, who was not at the première.

Twitter given 24 hours to block Khodorkovsky group’s account

Twitter given 24 hours to block Khodorkovsky group’s account

13 Дек, 2017 в 14:23

Russia’s Internet watchdog has demanded that Twitter delete the account held by the ‘Open Russia’ movement, viewed as an undesirable group in Russia, and has threatened to ban access to the whole microblog service if Twitter does not comply.

Moscow sees Trump tweets as official statements – Kremlin

Moscow sees Trump tweets as official statements – Kremlin

12 Дек, 2017 в 12:46

All tweets from the official account of US President Donald Trump are reported to Vladimir Putin as official political statements, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov has told reporters.

Moscow safer than Paris, mayor Sobyanin claims

Moscow safer than Paris, mayor Sobyanin claims

12 Дек, 2017 в 09:59

Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has told reporters that the city’s education and public transport are currently on a par with leading cities of the world. Sobyanin went on to claim that security in Moscow is better than in Paris.

Kadyrov predicts Ukraine’s accession into ‘great Russia’

Kadyrov predicts Ukraine’s accession into ‘great Russia’

11 Дек, 2017 в 14:01

The head of the Chechen Republic has dismissed a recent call from Ukraine to break Russia into parts as wishful thinking. Ramzan Kadyrov predicted that on the contrary, Ukraine would ultimately become part of the future state of “Great Russia.”

День гнева. Кому нужна еще одна война

День гнева. Кому нужна еще одна война

08 Дек, 2017 в 15:51

Никто не смог — а у него получилось. С 1995 года «пылился» документ, который президенты Штатов использовали в качестве инструмента […]