Orthodox Church does not oppose sex education in Russian schools – spokesman

Orthodox Church does not oppose sex education in Russian schools – spokesman

13 Ноя, 2017 в 10:23

The church does not oppose sex education in schools, but urges caution as it can corrupt young minds, the head of the Moscow Patriarchate external relations department has stated.

Пол Крэйг Робертс: некомпетентность по всем Соединенным Штатам достигла чрезвычайного уровня

Пол Крэйг Робертс: некомпетентность по всем Соединенным Штатам достигла чрезвычайного уровня

12 Ноя, 2017 в 17:00

Всем памятен девиз, под которым проходила выборная кампания Дональда Трампа: «Сделать Америку снова великой!». В этих словах есть не только […]

Раввины призывают евреев срочно ехать в Израиль. Кто не приедет, тот не спасется

Раввины призывают евреев срочно ехать в Израиль. Кто не приедет, тот не спасется

11 Ноя, 2017 в 05:09

Ребе Нир Бен Арци (Nir Ben Artzi), известный израильский мистик, сделал замечательное заявление в минувшее воскресенье, предсказывая, что личность Мессии […]

NATO is modeling command structures on Cold War era, says Russian envoy

NATO is modeling command structures on Cold War era, says Russian envoy

10 Ноя, 2017 в 14:46

NATO’s plans to reform its command structure have been modeled on the schemes used during the Cold War, Russia’s envoy to the military bloc has told reporters.

Duma to prepare mirror response to US steps targeting RT – speaker

Duma to prepare mirror response to US steps targeting RT – speaker

10 Ноя, 2017 в 12:31

The chair of the Russian lower house has said that the recent US order for RT to register as a foreign agent should prompt similar measures against American mass media engaged in “unconcealed interference” in Russia’s internal politics.

‘Threat to Europe’: Russian lawmakers blast US decision to supply lethal weapons to Ukraine

‘Threat to Europe’: Russian lawmakers blast US decision to supply lethal weapons to Ukraine

09 Ноя, 2017 в 14:39

Senior Russian lawmakers have stated that the US decision to provide Kiev with lethal defensive weapons was a crucial blow to the Minsk accords and a threat to the security of the whole of Europe.

Presidential hopeful Sobchak says she supports US sanctions against Russia

Presidential hopeful Sobchak says she supports US sanctions against Russia

09 Ноя, 2017 в 10:59

Russian presidential hopeful Ksenia Sobchak says she supports the anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the US, but added that she considered it wrong that the spat between nations hurt ordinary people.

‘Vacuum & isolation’: Russia may restrict access to CNN in reply to US sanctions, says senator

‘Vacuum & isolation’: Russia may restrict access to CNN in reply to US sanctions, says senator

09 Ноя, 2017 в 09:19

A member of the upper house Committee for Information Politics says if the US continues to pressure Russian state media companies like RT and Sputnik, Moscow will reply with a legislative ban on CNN broadcasts via cable or air.

Взаимодействие российских банков с ПФР

Взаимодействие российских банков с ПФР

08 Ноя, 2017 в 17:35

R-Style Softlab обновила в мае 2017 года систему для электронного взаимодействия банков с Пенсионным фондом России (ПФР). В новой версии […]

United Russia MP proposes universal fingerprinting of foreigners to boost security

United Russia MP proposes universal fingerprinting of foreigners to boost security

08 Ноя, 2017 в 15:20

An MP representing the Russian parliamentary majority United Russia party proposes fingerprinting all foreigners arriving in the country, saying the measure could help to counter security threats, such as the infiltration of foreign terrorists.